Sunday, October 7, 2012

Photo Booth 101

I don't think I've ever met somebody who doesn't like going into a photo booth.  It's easy, fun, hilarious, and a great way to capture memories.  And it seems like photo booths have gotten pretty popular to rent for big events, or even to make.  I tested out my first photo booth at my wedding last month.  It was an easy set-up - I used the PVC-stands I made last year to hold up a black fabric backdrop.  My light kit has been breaking down over the last year, so I could really only set up one strobe light - and I did so with a softbox attached - which basically looks like this:

I set up my camera on a tripod and to finish it off, I was planning to have a wireless remote (which allows someone to take a picture without having to actually touch the camera).  This is the one I got a few months ago, and after testing it out a few times, I was in love.  I had multiple notes around my apartment reminding me NOT to forget to bring it to Kansas for the wedding with me, and had the box packed in my bag a week before we left.  It turns out that I had taken it out of the box at some point, though, and hadn't put it back - so after all the hassle to remember it, I was duped by keeping original product packaging around (lesson learned - I'm throwing that stuff away from here on out!).  

I thought about bagging the whole process, but my brother suggested having my six-year-old nephew, Ben, run the show.  It was a great idea, and saved the night!  Not only did it give Ben something fun to do, but he takes his jobs very seriously, and was excellent at corralling various guests to the booth to get their pictures taken.  There were only a couple times I had to go over to reset the stands (as it was a breezy evening, and I had it set up outside) or reposition the camera to point towards the right spot (which we had marked on the ground in front of the backdrop with a rock, to let people know where to stand), and I ended up with hundreds of fun photos taken throughout the night!  Here are a few of my favorites:

I'm sure I'm going to be doing this again sometime, because it was just too much fun.  There are a few things I'll definitely do differently, though:

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